Welcome to Agriplast
Why choose Protected Cultivation?
The accelerating pace of climate change, combined with global population and income growth, threatens food security everywhere.Climate change imposes greater risk today than any other time in past. Unbearble summers , non seasonal very heavy rainfalls, Unbearable winters have a very adverse effect on open field crop production .The world will need to produce about 70 percent more food by 2050 to feed an estimated 9 billion people. The only way towards such a massive challenge is to create largest infrastructures of protected cultivation in India and Globally. Our vision aligns with the global population needs and we aim to do our bit for sutainability of mankind and our planet earth.
Climate Change
Pest Attack
Excessive Pesticides in food chain
Most efficient resource utilization
4 to 10 times yield than open field
Assured Production
Capapbility to feed rising population
Only source of CLEAN FOODS
Our Solutions & Products
Our Achievements
Sq.ft. of established farms
Successful Hitech Farms
Trained Professional farmers
partners around the globe
Kgs of Clean Food produced
Passionate team members